キャロル山崎Carol Yamazaki


‘09年、木全信プロデュース『Yesterday When I Was Young〜帰り来ぬ青春』(ローマ録音/イタリアで注目の音楽家アレッサンドロ・ブラーボトリオ、ファブリツィオ・ボッソらが参加)をリリース、選曲も話題となる。そのトリオとジャパンツアーも敢行。
‘19年、新進気鋭の若手ミュージシャンとジャズ界の重鎮、クラリネットの北村英治を迎え、ライブレコーディングによる『CAROL』をAmazon Recordsより発売。




ジャーナリストの木村太郎氏が会長を務める、湘南ビーチFMにおいてはパーソナリティーとして“湘南ジャズバイザシー”を担当。毎週2時間、20年以上続く長寿番組となっている。多彩なゲストを迎えての月一回、同・生放送コンサートでは企画、司会、時おり歌も。今まで大西順子、ケイコ・リー、ミッキー・カーティス、山下洋輔、山中千尋、寺井尚子、サーカス、伊東ゆかり、(順不同)など多彩な顔ぶれが出演している。リビエラ逗子マリーナにて開催。また、デトロイトのPulsebeat Mediaとのコラボが進行中。






♪湘南ビーチFM“湘南ジャズ・バイ・ザ・シー“ パーソナリティー
毎週土曜 6:00pm~8:00pm FMラジオとインターネットにて放送中。(78.9MHz) (http://www.beachfm.co.jp)




北村英治、世良譲、ジョージ川口、原信夫とシャープス&フラッツ、秋満義孝、柴田敬一、市川秀男、水橋孝、向井滋春、田代ユリ、池田芳夫、佐山雅弘、村上ポンタ秀一、中村誠一、北島直樹、ポール・ジャクソン、原田忠幸、 スコット・ハミルトン、前田憲男、岸ミツアキ、稲垣次郎、今田勝、大野俊三、細野よしひこ、山本剛、ファブリツィオ・ボッソ、寺井尚子、レッド・ハロウェイ、デヴィッド・マシューズ、MALTA、ジェイコブ・コーラー、田中裕士、KANKAWA、Harvey Thompson、David Berkman、Dennis Lambert、Alessandro Bravoほか


・日本テレビ系“11PM” (カバーガール・レポーター・歌)
・NHK FM “セッション” (歌)
・NHK BS “ジャズ喫茶” (歌)
・テレビ東京 “爆笑大人寄席” (団しん也さんと司会)
・赤坂クリスタルルーム 1ヶ月公演 “Mr.マリックショー” (ゲストシンガー)
・ジャン・ルイ・シェレル パリコレ前夜祭ファッションショーでのコンサート
・NHK AM “ラジオあさいちばん” テーマソング ♪プカナラ
・杉田劇場、気仙沼音楽復興支援 “ひばりの名曲をジャズにのせて”/秋満義孝
・毎週土曜日 湘南ビーチFMに出演(企画・DJ)


Born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and Hungarian American father. After finishing her education at Seisen University Department of English language in Tokyo, she started her modeling career and has been featured in various fields of entertaining industry including magazines, TV as s reporter and radio.

In 1982, she made her debut as a singer with a song tied to TV drama. First Album ‘AMORE’, produced by Tsugutoshi Goto with original songs mainly, was released on KING.

She was absolutely fascinated with Julie London and with her uncle’s word “You can sing Jazz regardless of age”, she decided to study with Yasushi Sawada, Japanese jazz vocalist, who was a friend of her uncle.

To aim for more growth, she moved to New York and studied voice and joined adventitiously at Jazz Club.
Upon returning to Japan in 2006, she has released an Album ‘DREAM ’ produced by Norio Maeda which was recorded with leading members such as Eiji Kitamura, Shunzo Ohno and Tadayuki Harada.

In 2009, she has released an Album 『Yesterday When I Was Young』, produced by Makoto Kimata. Album was recorded in Rome with a collaboration with famous artists in Italy such as Alessandro Bravo Trio and Fabrizio Bosso.

The album was known for a good selection and she went on Japan tour with the trio.
2019, 『CAROL』, featuring an up-and- coming young musician and leading figure clarinetist Eiji Kitamura, was recorded live and released from Amazon Records.

1993 Won the new vocalist award at the 9th Japan Jazz Vocal Award.The award is given to a person who was most successful and budding singer of the year and she was awarded with her great singing skill, entertaining and generous personality.
2010 Selected as one of the World’s 100 Jazz vocalist to listen to.
2011 Won the First place at the 27th Jazz Vocal Contest.
2013 Collaborated with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.
Performing with leading musician of the world today.

She is an FM radio personality for two hour-long music show aired every Saturday on Shonan Beach FM which has been a long-running program over 20 years.

6:00pm~8:00pm SHONAN JAZZ BY THE SEA

Program will invite various guests every month to Riviera Zushi Marina and hold a live concert where she will organize, host and even sing from time to time.
Invited guests: Junko Onishi, Keiko Lee, Mickey Curtis, Yosuke Yamashita, Chihiro Yamanaka, Naoko Terai, Circus, Yukari Ito, Harvey Thompson, and many other musicians.
She is also working on collaboration with Pulsebeat Media in Detroit.

She has been singing in Japan’s Top-Ranking Live houses, Traditional Jazz clubs in Yokohama, Japan. She will perform at Event, Dinner shows throughout Japan.

~Carol’s Stage~
She has established reputation for her silky voice and sophisticated swinging.
Listeners regardless of age will kindly embraced by her splendid atmosphere stage.
Despite of Corona, she appreciates her happiness performing on the stage to share
the hope through music.

She lives in Yokohama with family including 2 Rescued dogs. She enjoys walking with dogs in the neighboring park and port area.
Loves Korean barbeque, Sushi, sweets and desserts.